Asia: More Rum than the Caribbean

The Caribbean tends to get the lion’s share of attention when it comes to rum. I mean really, it does make quite a bit of sense if you take the time to really dig down in and look at it. The Caribbean is the fertile crescent of rum. Much like man is thought to have drug himself into being in eastern Africa, so rum heaved itself out of the hodgepodge of cultures that had poured into the “New World.”

The Dichotomy of Kansas Springs

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Zephyr. It has been brutally windy the past four days here at Cocktails, 365 headquarters. So windy, in fact, that we’ve been making the news. I spoke with a colleague in California this afternoon who said the name Dodge City actually sauntered across their consciousness […]

Fashion Friday – Tying a Tie

Welcome to the first-ever Fashion Friday, where Cocktails, 365 contributor Lee Griffith walks you gentleman through all you need to know about looking dapper at any time of the day.

Diva’s Lament

For the past several seasons, Cocktails, 365 has been honored to be the official mixologist of the Depot Theater Company and Imbibe! at the Depot Theater Company in Dodge City. We take our duty of making paired cocktails quite seriously. It’s all part of the upper level service people can expect when they come to […]

Moonlight Lemonade

There’s something really beautiful about simple things combined to create something greater than their individual parts. Chocolate and peanut butter. Donuts and bacon. Cagney and Lacey. Among the best is moonshine and lemonade. Specifically, being all highfalutin and mixing moonshine with San Pellegrino Limonata for today’s cocktail. Perfect after a long hard day mowing the lawn […]

George Dickel White Corn Whisky #1

There’s something special about moonshine. It’s the purest form of the liquid we’ve all come to adore so much. Unadulterated, unfettered, it’s the virgin expression of the base spirit that we all strive for. At least when it’s done right. If not, it’s a screaming hellfire on earth that leaves you dying among the bushes, […]